E.G. Silverman's short story collections have been finalists, semi-finalists, or long-listed for the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, Ohio State University's Non/Fiction Collection Prize, Snake Nation Press's Serena McDonald Kennedy Award, Livingston Press's Tartts First Fiction Award (The University of West Alabama), and Regal House Publishing's W.S. Porter Prize. His novels have been finalists for Black Lawrence Press's Big Moose Prize, Columbus State University's D.L. Jordan Prize for Literary Excellence, and Callisto Gaia Press's Joshua Tree Novel Prize, and a semi-finalist for the Blue Mountain Novel Award. Silverman's short stories and novel excerpts have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Confrontation, Beloit Fiction Journal, South Dakota Review, Harpur Palate, 2 Bridges Review, Fugue, Berkeley Fiction Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, and many other literary magazines. His short story "Bagel Macher" appears in the anthology The Boom Project: Voices of a Generation." He’s studied with Brian Morton, Sheila Kohler, Carol DeChellis Hill, Jonathan Baumbach, Elizabeth Hand, and others.